Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bonaventure Adventure with the Apple

I call my daughter "the apple who didn't fall too far" because she has many of the same drives and interests...if not more so... creative pursuit,  a love for art, photography and writing.

My little beauty is so very unique for a 6 year old. And she loves cemeteries. She calls them Gravestone Parks. I love that. She sees the park first... the beauty first... and I did not teach her this. So... I took her on her first road trip to shoot photos with me. She chose Bonaventure in Savannah, even though there were closer places. She said to me "I want to go to the most beautiful place." So we drove 3 1/2 hours. And she was amazing.

And she was amazed. She instantly fell in love with Bonaventure and could not stop swooning over everything she saw. My apple... she did not fall too far from this tree.

As I was shooting... A little hand popped up and started throwing flowers in... My sweet baby adorned Bonaventure for the rest of the day in many flowers. She found many other visiting photographers thanking her and shooting her flowers & feathers arranged on the angels and crosses... She charmed the world again.

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